Results, Referrals & Prescriptions
Our doctors prefer to see all our patients.
Please ensure you book in for prescription repeats when you fill your last repeat. If you require a referral to a Specialist please ensure you make an appointment with your GP at least two weeks before your Specialist appointment. We can book an appointment in advance for you.
If your prescription runs out, please inform our receptionists, we’ll accommodate you with the next appointment available.
All our doctors have access to your file, so if your doctor isn’t available another of the doctors will be able to renew your prescription.
Following up test results tests with your doctor – Please make an appointment on the day of your consultation unless advised by your doctor.
If your results are urgent, you will be contacted by the practice.
If you are unable to collect your prescriptions, please provide a signed consent form to keep on your file so a friend or relative can collect them.